McLachlan should be venerated for her goodwill and compassion towards others. She spent the $150,000 given to her to produce this video all on other charities that would help the world. Often times, fancy music videos can cost up to 1 million dollars-her's only cost $15. The rest was given to those in need.
When reading the lyrics, I know for sure she didn't mean for anyone to take them literally. If you did, well...maybe you should look again. Most of the song is a metaphor about all the corruption and greed that is taking over and, "darkening" the world. Although our world has changed positively in many ways since long ago, it has also changed in just as many, or more, negative ways.
The way I personally interpreted this song was through what I believed to be it's core messages: first, our world is becoming victim to the corruption and greed of it's inhabitants. Second, we really should change that. And third, no one person can do it alone-it will take many people to make a significant change in our world. The first part is shown right off the bat as soon as the song begins- "Hearts are worn in these dark ages...Night has fallen amongst the living and the dying..." Dark ages and night are most likely metaphors for all the terrible things that are slowly taking over the world.
Although she never comes right out and sings, "WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT ALL THE BAD THINGS WE SEE-IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO JUST BE AWARE OF THEM," she does say, "I'll tap into the water, (I try to pull my ship), I try to bring more, more than I can handle, (bring it to the table), bring what I am able." I think that she is trying to subtly suggest that she is trying to make a difference, and perhaps you should too.
The last core message is that she can't do it alone. She can't change the world alone. It doesn't only pertain to her, but to everyone-no one can try to change the world alone. The sentence, "I try to bring more, more than I can handle, (bring it to the table), bring what I am able." This has two meanings-the meaning mentioned above, as well as that she can only do so much. One person can start a movement, but it takes millions to make it true.
Overall, I think McLachlan's message needs to get across to more people. Never in the video does she ask for money-she is hoping that someone will be inspired, and go directly to a charity. Even if you don't like this song, I believe this song has something to say to everyone. Just because the tune may not be the catchiest, or she may not be the best singer, she does have valid points. Everyone can make a difference in our world. Even the small things count.
Here is the video in case you want to see for yourself:
Click here for the video
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