Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Woah, How Did I Miss That? (art post)

This painting is called Sunrise by the Ocean, bVladimir Kush.

At a fist glance, what do you see? An egg spilling yolk and the white stuff that comes out of it, whatever that is. If you had just walked by it in a museum, would you have given it a second glance, or would you have just walked right on by, concluding you initial assumption, the one of the egg, was correct? I would just like to point out the Kush's attention to detail, and the sheer realism of it, reminds me of Salvador Dali (another great surreal artist to check out). I was googling images of paintings for a long time, when I came across this one. And I overlooked it. About half an hour later, I stumbled across it again, and I figured, hey, why not. Well, the second time I looked at it I looked closer, and saw all the details that I'd missed the first time.

Most people's first impression of it is just a broken egg, but I think that is apart of the magic of this image. At a first glance, you see the fragile world, represented by the egg, broken in two, with yolk, possibly representing happiness, spilling out as well as the white stuff, which could represent all the people the world protects. Yes, at a first glance, it seems broken. At a second glance, you notice the support systems and scaffolding supporting it. This is part of the message! You can even go one step further, and say the people are fragile on the outside but sturdy on the inside.

It's safe to assume that the ocean continues going on towards the distance. I think that this supports my statement by representing that hope continues into yesterday and tomorrow. That little figure in the foreground of the picture is toting the little shell with another person, which could represent the hard struggles that today's generations are going through so that tomorrow's have a better life. The little person towards the right of the water source is clutching their knees. I think that this person represents the people who are resistant to change, an look where's it's gotten them? The other guy is moving forward, while that guy is standing still, afraid.

This painting connects to humanity in a number of ways. First of all, it could connect to changes in governments, or the artists ideas reflecting a specific bill or law. However, I think it has more to do with society as a general. I believe it is about moving forward as the human race, not specifically this select group of people or that select group of people. It's about the fact we are all human, and, at the beginning, we were all eggs. More symbolically, we are all eggs, just waiting to be broken. Life is tough, and it's important to hold on to hope (the sun/yolk). If we do that, others will support us, and aid us, so as for humans to advance. There are some core values that all humans share, and I think this painting really demonstrates the basic needs we all have, how we overcome challenges, and our beliefs the citizens of the world.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you start your responce to the painting by questioning the reader. It really draws in the reader. Good job!! :)

    -Emily Ourzdine
